Here as you can see, the adapter_type is "lsilogic" is not "ide" in fact, I have already changed adapter type when I converted the image from raw/qcow2 to vmdk. Hello daphnissov, I noticed what you pointed. The default adapter type is lsiLogic, which is SCSI, so you can omit the vmware_adaptertype property if you are certain that the image adapter type is lsiLogic. Therefore, as the previous examples show, it is important to set the vmware_adaptertype property correctly. Note that the vmware_disktype is set to sparse and the vmware_adaptertype is set to ide in the previous command.Ĭurrently, OS boot VMDK disks with an IDE adapter type cannot be attached to a virtual SCSI controller and likewise disks with one of the SCSI adapter types (such as, busLogic, lsiLogic, lsiLogicsas, paraVirtual) cannot be attached to the IDE controller. $ openstack image create \ -container-format bare -disk-format vmdk \ -property vmware_disktype = "sparse" \ -property vmware_adaptertype = "ide" \ trusty-cloud < trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.vmdk Using the previous example of the Ubuntu Trusty image after the qemu-img conversion, the command to upload the VMDK disk should be something like: VMDK disks converted through qemu-img are always monolithic sparse VMDK disks with an IDE adapter type. anyone met the same problem before, how do you solve the problem, please help, thanks in advance. I do not know what is wrong, while the vm is booting. to check the vm which is boot from the same raw (qcow2) image on another KVM hypervisor. I suspect the image does not have some drivers, I refer to this doc. Openstack server create -image test-image -flavor 1 -network 4217efe4-f2e4-4e68-8419-52117384016c test-vmįinally I check the vm on Vceneter, I found the vm is hang on forever like below: Then I try to use these image to start up vm in vcenter: Openstack image create -disk-format vmdk -container-format bare -property vmware_adaptertype="lsiLogic" -property vmware_disktype="sparse" test-image < centos70.vmdk Then I register these vmdk image with Openstack glance like this way (I indicated glance service with IsiLogic adapter): I have some qcow2 and raw format image in Openstack, I try to convert these images to vmdk use command (here I use lsilogic adapter):įor raw : qemu-img convert -f raw -O vmdk -o adapter_type=lsilogic centos70.dsk centos70.vmdkįor qcow2 : qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O vmdk -o adapter_type=lsilogic centos70.dsk centos70.vmdk I am stuck in the image problem till now.